The Benefits of Meditation

meditateThe benefits of training in meditation are, through sincerely training in meditation on the teachings given in the courses and classes provided are that you will attain spiritual realisations, which lead you to permanent liberation from all the sufferings of this life and countless future lives. There is no greater meaning than this.

Even temporarily, whenever you experience problems, unpleasant feelings, depression or unhappiness you can solve these problems immediately by transforming your mind into peace through your meditation practice.

The benefits of meditation are immeasurable.

Practising Buddhist thought and meditation in daily life can bring:

  • Freedom from worry and frustration
  • De-stress
  • Improved sleep
  • Better physical and mental health – overcome depression
  • Improved concentration
  • A positive and realistic attitude to life
  • An improvement in our natural loving and compassionate nature
  • More satistfaction and fulfillment in our relationships
  • The confidence to become a better person
  • A gradual increase in our good qualities as we progress along the spiritual path

The meditations taught at Atisha Kadampa Buddhist Centre and its branches can benefit everyone, regardless of belief or experience. You can join a class at any stage.

Find a drop-in meditation class near you.