In-depth study of Kadampa Buddhism
Day and Time:
Thursday evenings: 7:00-9:00pm
Atisha Kadampa Meditation Centre
81 Victoria Road, Darlington DL1 5JQ Click here for a map
You can arrange a month trial at any time – please contact to arrange dates and payment.
This study programme is designed to deepen our knowledge and, more importantly, our experience of the teachings. It’s the ideal next step after attending our drop-in classes.
The programme and students both employ a systematic approach to study; the classes go through one book in detail, page by page, and the students undertake to attend every class.
or phone: 01325 365265
What happens at a class?
The class begins with beautiful prayers and a guided meditation. The teacher then reads from the book while explaining in detail how to apply the instructions to solve our everyday problems. Afterwards the students divide into pairs to discuss the section. The teacher and students then conclude by deciding together what to meditate on in the next class and how to practice what has been learnt during the week.
Every few classes we have a group discussion where students review the pages covered in the recent classes and discuss any questions that may have arisen.
How much will it cost?
Payment for FP is by becoming a member, a standing order of £35 per month is made.
Being a member means you can come to any weekly meditation classes for free. Retreats and guided retreat sessions, guided chanted meditations are all free to members, and your children can go to the children’s class for free. Plus it’s free for all the one-off special meditation courses, such as half-day courses (excluding empowerments).
You can try a month trial at any time – please contact to arrange dates and payment.
The Teacher
This class is taught by our Resident Teacher, Gen Kelsang Chogma
We are currently studying part two of ‘The New Heart of Wisdom‘ – a commentary to Buddha’s Heart Sutra. By revealing the profound meaning of the very heart of Buddha’s teachings – the Perfection of Wisdom Sutras – this book shows how we can attain pure, lasting happiness through developing special wisdom and universal compassion.
The Foundation Programme studies six books:
- Eight Steps to Happiness – a commentary to Bodhisattva Langri Tangpa’s Eight Verses of Training the Mind.
- Joyful Path of Good Fortune – a commentary to Atisha’s Lamrim instructions, the stages of the path to enlightenment.
- Meaningful to Behold – a commentary to Shantideva’s Guide to the Bodhisattva’s Way of Life.
- Universal Compassion – a commentary to Bodhisattva Chekhawa’s Training the Mind in Seven Points.
- The New Heart of Wisdom – a commentary to the Heart Sutra. By studying this book we have the opportunity to gain a realization of the ultimate nature of reality. By gaining this realization we can eliminate the ignorance of self-grasping, which is the root of all our suffering.
- How to Understand the Mind – a detailed explanation of the mind based on the works of the Buddhist scholars Dharmakirti and Dignaga.